Job Interview Skills
Going for your dream job can be a nerve-racking experience, we will help you succeed!
Our job interview skills course will give you a headstart at acing your interview be it in English or Thai!. We will review your resume and ensure it is up to international business standards. So you will stand out from a crowd. Furthermore, you’ll practice answering interview questions confidently and even learn some of the HR tricks interviewers use from our instructors with decades of HR experience.
Courses and Lessons
Our course will update your current resume or build a brand new one from scratch focussing on your profile, past experiences and skills. Your resume will shine a light on all the skills and experience you can bring to the job and ensure you get that all important interview.
Once your resume is ready, we will examine your resume to identify probable questions the interviewer may ask. Drawing our our decades of experience in HR will give you techniques that will impress interviewers and have them wanting more.
The scripts we will design for you are flexible enough that they can be adapted to almost any interview and will give you the ability to answer clearly and confidently any question an interview can throw at you!
Our goal is to firstly is to have an effective resume, build up your confidence in answering challenging questions and finally helping you understand your own strengths and experiences.
Our training staff is highly experienced and has conducted hundreds of job interviews on the other side of the interviewing desk so we can give you an inside look into western philosophies and communications styles.